Maldon General Cemetery

The first burials at the Maldon General Cemetery commenced in 1854 although the reserve was not gazetted until 1861. Prior to 1854, burials were carried out close to where the people lived and as a result, graves were scattered about the township and surrounding area. There have been over 7,300 burials in the cemetery, including 121 Chinese, although most of the Chinese had their remains returned to China for reburial. The surviving Chinese funeral oven was for the burning of offerings to the spirits of the dead (not the bodies). The Pioneer Section of the cemetery is significant in the Central Goldfields. Many miners were buried in unknown or unidentified paupers graves in a separate unmarked section. This section is now recognised by a small brass plaque attached to a tree along the side fence to the right of the entrance. The cemetery holds many nationalities, creeds, headstones and obelisks with special meaning. There are also many anecdotal stories relating to the 4 o’clocks (flowers) and how they came to be in the cemetery.

Maldon General Cemetery holds the grave of Robert Dent Oswald who became a wealthy mining magnate in Maldon. He had set up and operated The North British Mine, and is famous for his rock drill. The use of pink granite for headstones was rare in the gold mining era and is an indication of his standing and wealth.

All enquiries to the Maldon Cemetery Trustees, who hold the official records and detailed plans of the Cemetery grounds. All correspondence to:
Maldon Cemetery Trust
PO Box 125
Maldon Vic  3463


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